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Students working in the community.

Center for Student Conflict Management

Resolving issues involving student conflict and well-being.

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Fraternity and Sorority Affairs

Supporting and advising fraternity and sorority members.

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M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

Empowering communities to achieve a nonviolent world.

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Parent and Family Relations

Helping parents and guardians understand student experience.

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Wilson Commons Student Activities

Supporting a vibrant, inclusive community where ideas thrive.

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A lamp post in the Eastman Quad

2023-2024: Year of Respect

Meliora Vision and Values Grant

As a community, the University of Rochester is defined by a deep commitment to Meliora­—ever better. Embedded in that ideal are the values we share: equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability. Students are invited to apply for a mini grant to develop a program or activity that exemplifies the spirit and purpose of respect to our community.

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Did you know?

91% of those who wrote CARE referrals are pleased with the process and would suggest others to use it.

Center for Student Conflict Management

35% of fraternity and sorority members hold an executive board leadership position.

Fraternity and Sorority Affairs

86% of fraternity and sorority members are also involved in other clubs and organizations.

Fraternity and Sorority Affairs

In a recent web poll, 66% of parents and families indicated that they are pleased with the amount of communication they have with their University of Rochester student. Parent and Family Relations encourages ongoing communication and healthy student and family connections.

Parent and Family Relations

During the 2018–2019 academic year, Parent and Family Relations began a new initiative resulting in early outreach to over 4,136 families of University of Rochester first-generation applicants.

Parent and Family Relations

In the 2018 mid-term election, 74.4% of eligible students at the University registered to vote, and 36.9% actually voted.

Rochester Center for Community Leadership

During the 2018-2019 academic year, 1,451 students enrolled in courses that were broadly engaged in the community.

Rochester Center for Community Leadership

85% of undergraduate students are involved in at least one of the over 280 student organizations. This percentage is consistent for first generation students and under-represented minority students and only slightly lower at 82% for international students.

Wilson Commons Student Activities

90% of student employees who worked in Wilson Commons Student Activities report their employment experience provides them with learning opportunities with the top three skills gained being customer service, problem solving, and interpersonal communication.

Wilson Commons Student Activities

Our Mission

The Office of the Dean of Students contributes to the mission of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering by providing programs and services that augment and contribute to student learning and community development.

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Want more information about the Office of the Dean of Students? Contact us.